About Us
Since 1995, On Target Performance Systems has developed and implemented leading employee performance management system for Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Government and corporate entities. Today, over 140 agencies, serving over 80,000 employees use solutions designed by On Target to increase employee and organizational effectiveness.
All of our solutions are built using industry wide practices and applications. Each of the solutions is highly configurable yet designed to be installed and implemented to meet your needs in a very short timeframe. The solutions can be in place and operational within a matter of weeks. We also offer web modules for several of the solutions which allows data entry to occur outside of the station environment.
On Target Performance Systems offer software solutions that provide agencies with powerful tools to manage and measure the performance of an organizations most valuable assets; it's employees. Solutions include employee evaluation and appraisal, employee early intervention, Internal Affairs and complaint management, incident management, employee and organizational training requirements, and job/task analysis. Depending on your agency's needs, these solutions can be implemented as individual components or integrated as a seamless system.